Easy contactless guest registers for restaurants and storefronts

Rishal Hurbans
June 28, 2020

Restaurants and storefronts are open for business again. However, there are a number of measures that must be put in place for the safety of customers and staff. Although regular sanitation, social distancing, and face masks are requirements, another important aspect is keeping an accurate registry of visitors to the location for contact tracing purposes. Although guest registries are a requirement, we see this as an opportunity for restaurants and stores to tap into their audience by going digital.

Restaurants are required to conduct a screening questionnaire on guests. Restaurants may refuse admission if they deem a guest is a safety risk. - BusinessTech

When systematically applied, contact tracing will break the chains of transmission of an infectious disease and is thus an essential public health tool for controlling infectious disease outbreaks. This document provides guidance on how to establish contact tracing capacity for the control of COVID-19 - World Health Organization

Viszen has created a package that allows guests and customers of restaurants and storefronts to provide their details with no physical contact or sharing of pens, clipboards, and paper. The solution also allows for staff to capture additional information such as body temperature readings.

We see this as an opportunity for restaurants and stores to grow their digital marketing efforts through gathering contact details for marketing and customer relation communications. We also allow for capturing guest preferences and direct guests to digital menus and promotional offers as they enter the location. The entire process is driven by QR code activation and a straight-forward user interface and experience.

Our goal is to eliminate physical contact and sharing of paper, clipboards, and pens while complying with regulation for guests visiting your store.

  • Capture guest information completely contactless.
  • Leverage information for marketing, and optionally record guest preferences.
  • Direct guests to online menus and special offers as they enter.
  • Simple setup and experience for guests and staff.

Viszen easy guest registry


From R200 per month per location.

*Discounted rates for multiple locations and yearly subscriptions.

We’re happy to offer a free consultation to customise and structure a solution that fits your needs. We’re also offering discounted rates for bulk locations, and small businesses.